Climate Action Plan
The RDKB Climate Action Plan was adopted by Board of Directors on October 12, 2022. Thank you to all those who contributed to its development.
The plan sets out the RDKB climate action vision and targets for 2030 and 2050, the guiding principles and outlines goals and actions for each climate action area.
It takes low carbon resilience approach that brings together climate adaptation and preparedness, climate mitigation, and other local government priorities
View the RDKB Climate Action Plan
2023 Progress Report
2022 Progress Report
Our Climate Action Areas:
Organizational Leadership: To integrate climate action into all RDKB organizational decisions to build a resilient and sustainable community. |
Buildings and Property: To live and work in resilient, efficient and low carbon buildings that are comfortable and healthy. To work together to prepare buildings and property for the impacts of climate change. |
Water and Waste: To use water responsibly and efficiently, and provide clean accessible water to residents and businesses while supporting the needs of our natural systems. To continue to work towards our goal of zero waste. |
Transportation, Land Use and Infrastructure: To provide our residents and businesses access to clean transportation options suited for rural living. To prepare our critical infrastructure for the impacts of climate change including enhancing our ecosystems. |
Industry and livelihoods: To continue to develop a resilient and low carbon economy that offers access to supportive livelihoods for all residents, and where small businesses can thrive. |
Ecosystems: To protect the integrity and biodiversity of our local ecosystems for generations to come recognizing that local ecosystems and natural environment assist in adapting to changing climate. |
Organizational Leadership
As part of the BC Local Government Climate Action Program, the RDKB reports to the Province annually on actions taken to reduce emissions, adapt and prepare for future climate impacts, as well as disclose our greenhouse gas emissions from delivering services to the region.
2023 RDKB Local Government Climate Action Program Report
Historical Reports
2022 RDKB Local Government Climate Action Program Report
2021 RDKB Local Government Climate Action Program Report
2019 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
2018 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
2017 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
2016 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
2015 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
2014 CARIP Climate Action/Carbon Neutral Progress Survey
RDKB Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In 2023, the RDKB emitted a 1,270 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). This is from our RDKB facilities, transportation and contracted services (traditional). Emissions offset by the organics diversion project = 493 tCO2. This includes Boundary and from October 1, 2023 the South Kootenay organics diversion.