Zoning is one of the most important tools that the Regional District uses to implement the land use objectives and policies contained in its Official Community Plans. Zoning Bylaws achieve this by specifying the permitted uses that may occur within the various parts of our unincorporated Electoral Areas and by regulating the density of development and the size, shape and siting of new buildings and additions that may occur within these zones.
Zoning Bylaws also regulate the minimum parcel sizes for new subdivisions and establish standards for such associated matters as parking, fencing and signage. The Local Government Act requires that the provisions and regulations contained in a Zoning Bylaw must be consistent with the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan for the area.
Individuals can apply to amend or fine tune a Zoning Bylaw in several different ways depending on the size or nature of the desired change (e.g. Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Board of Variance or Development Variance Permit). One can learn more about these Zoning amendment procedures by consulting with the Planning Department staff.
Regional District Zoning Bylaws
Land Use Bylaws downloads
For additional information regarding Bylaws please contact the Planning Department. For ease of use, please use the Bookmarks on the left side of the Acrobat document.
For information on zoning requirements in villages and cities in the RDKB, please contact the municipalities:
Areas Subject to Land Use Regulations are shown on the map below. Click the image to open a pdf, which has links directoy to each bylaw. Access the RDKB Interactive Webmap to see more detailed zoning information.